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Jul 12, 2012

Marriage/Wedding Day Part 1

it's been so long since i last updated.
suddenly got the urge to blog.
nobody is reading this space anymore.
just want to jot down my feelings.

so, 6 months into my marriage.
what can i say?
blissful and loved.
i'm totally loving my married life.
the feeling of waking up to the one you love,
falling asleep together,
doing every single thing together,
the feeling is just so great.
like they said,
marriage is having your best friend to sleep over with you every single day.

i've got hundreds over pictures of my wedding day.
maybe i will upload on this space when i'm free.
this space shall serve as a memory lane for me.
i'm very grateful for everything in my life.
i've never been so contented with my life before.
my dearest hubby made all these possible.
loving me with all his heart,
giving me the best wedding i can ever ask for.
thank you love.
and not to forget,
my mummy and my new family:)

honeymoon in maldives was so awesome.
made me miss that place so much every now and then.
loads of pictures as well,
that place is a paradise,
just like wallpapers come alive.

i will be heading taiwan in 2 weeks time.
my 2nd holiday this year.
so excited!

shall share a few of my favourite pictures on my wedding day.

after this, we headed to the hotel.
shall blog the rest another day.
one day to FRIDAY!
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