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Sep 28, 2010

Lazy Sunday.

like the title says,
it was a lazy sunday.
yes i didn't have any make up on.

anyway, hubby picked me up in the noon.
every sunday,
that sweetest boy always make sure he wakes up earlier than me,
comes over to my place,
to wait for me to get prepared,
just so he can bring me out for lunch.
he would always hug me after every sour fights,
even though he is not at fault,
just so i can smile again:)

in return,
i made the effort to wake up earlier than in the past,
so that he wouldn't have to wait so long,
and we can spend more time together.
don't wanna miss any possible moments with you:)

just when i'm blogging this post now,
he msn me & told me that he just added a search tool on my blog.
so you can use it to search any post you want to read.
hee thank you hubby!

ok back to sunday,
drove to bukit timah for duck rice.
initial plan was to have our usual pratas,
but he was too lazy to walk any further.
just few steps away from where we parked,
we saw this duck rice stall,
and he suggested to settle for that :x

home made barley for me,
coke for him.

i had char siew rice.

hubby had duck & roasted meat rice.

back to his place to slack for the rest of the day.
caught F1 live telecast on channel 5.
lewis hamilton was out!
was still hoping he will win this race.
sweetest dinner cooked by hubby again,
while i was watching F1.
fulfilling weekend whenever i'm with you:)

p/s: help me click on my nuffnang ads if there's any, thanks!
till then ~

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