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Oct 26, 2010

Biore Samples Giveaway!

busy busy busy!
this post should be up last week,
been dragging it for days.
i hardly have time to blog now,
folders of pictures are piling up!

to make up for the lack of updates,
i've something good to share with you readers!
so do read till the end of this post:)

alright, so this was like 2 weeks back?
random craving for ice-cream,
 so it was none other than island creamery for our ice-cream date.

love rainbow topping!

sidetrack a little,
this want want cheese cracker is really good!

last friday,
hubby was on leave.
i took half day leave to accompany him.
initial plan was to study at home,
but we ended up staying out the whole day.
i will explain why later.

hubby picked me up at 1pm.
off to bugis for lunch.

our favourite duck rice place.

after lunch,
shopped around bugis.
heard the ravings about wo ai tai mei,
and i decided to bring hubby to give it a try.

we ordered the selina set.

which includes milk tea,

shaker fries (we chose the cheese flavour),

and bbq chicken.
 sadly, it was spicy.

frankly speaking,
it wasn't that great.
tasted pretty normal to us,
except that the fries were quite tasty.
might return again to try the fries of other flavours.

got some hair products from watsons,
and we decided to head back.
hubby wanted to get a haircut,
while i waited for him in the car.
which means cam-whoring starts!

i was having my new pink lenses on,
ain't really obvious in photos.

after hubby was done with his haircut,
we went to top up petrol & to have a car wash.
that was when hubby realised he lost his credit card!
tried to recall what we did earlier on,
and i recalled he made payment at watsons with his credit card.

quickly looked up for watsons number.
luckily, the card was with them.
they forgot to return back!
our fault for being careless also.

needless to say,
we went down bugis once again.
this time round,
with hubby's new haircut :p

got back the card,
and we decided to have our dinner there.
since we already made all the way down.
traffic was jam as well due to peak hour.

we weren't really hungry,
brought some finger food.
had yami yogurt too:)
blueberry yogurt with fruity pebbles is love!

headed back to my place to rest for the day.

time to share some good stuff now!
sometime last week,
i received some biore samples from the sample store.

these were the goodies! :D
biore makeup remover in oil & sheets form.
 if you had been using biore makeup remover,
you would have already knew their products were really good!
makeup comes off easily without having the need for excessive rub.
i personally love the cleansing oil cotton facial sheets alot!
had been relying on it for my overseas trips or stay overs.
super convenient!

if you haven't try before,
here's the good news now!
you readers can get these free samples too!
yes, you heard it right.

just simply click on the link below & sign up:
now, you're on your way to get your hands on these awesome free samples!
hope you girls will enjoy it as much as i did:)
p/s: it only took them 3 days to mail it to me!

till then ~

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