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Nov 24, 2010


came to know this place through blogs.
hubby brought me there to give it a try last sat.
it's an egg themed cafe,
which means egg is their main ingredient in every dish!
just the right place for egg lovers,
and i'm one huge fan of eggs!

their cute menu.

ordered the designer for me,
with mushrooms, cheese & ham for toppings.

dippy eggs & soldiers for hubby.

we were seated outside as it was so packed that day.
it was a pity i can't take photo of it,
the deco inside is nice.

salt & pepper.

my omelette.
i wouldn't say it's fantastic.
tasted pretty normal & kinda bland.
maybe it's cause i had the best scrambled eggs ever in hk!
i miss dairy co. soooo much!

hubby's soft boiled eggs with bacon & cheese.
he didn't like it at all.

took a few photos outside before heading bugis.

only managed to get a bracelet at bugis.
back to hubby's place in the evening.
headed nearby to get dinner for his family as well.
rested & i got hungry again,
cause i only had fries earlier on.

went out for a stroll and some groceries shopping!
cakes, oreo biscuits, tubs of ice-cream, vitagen...
back to his place again:)

impromptu trip to JB on sun!
stay tune for update:)

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