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Nov 30, 2010

JB - Danga Bay.

hello world! 
i'm all ready to welcome december!
so excited about it.

alright, i still have a number of weekday posts yet to blog.
but i shall blog about last weekend first,
since it's gonna be a longer post.

yes, we headed JB once again.
this time round at a different place.
off work at 1pm on sat,
set off to danga bay.

a new place for us to explore,
instead of the usual city square & jusco.
i searched for the address online,
only to realise i got the wrong danga bay when we reached.
but we still had our fair share of fun there.

had our lunch once we reached.
 chinese sausage fried rice for me.

chicken chop for hubby.


shawn & yuki.

me & vivi.

 after lunch,
took a stroll around & we decided to play bowling.

changed into our bowling shoes.

while waiting for our lane.

the 3 ladies.

yay, finally it was our turn!

hubby started off first.
he's pretty good at it!

looking pro. heh.

my camwhore photos with the ball.

my turn to bowl!

not bad, hehe.

 we played 2 games,
and hubby was the winner of the day!
 played 2 rounds of pool after that.

walked out after we were done with pool,
saw archery & we decided to give it a try!
 it was just rm5 for 10 arrows.
the person in charge gave us extra 2 arrows each:)

hubby looking pro again.
he's good at everything, unlike me:(

it was too heavy for me to handle!
 can't seems to aim at the right spot.
gave up after 3 arrows,
passed the rest to hubby.


there was nothing much there,
more of recreational activities.
managed to get this pair of shorts after our game.
got it at rm30, it was quite a steal.
love the floral prints on it.
thanks hubby:)

 drove to danga beach to check out the night view,
and to have our dinner as well.

there was a theme park.

can't really see the night view from my pictures.
the place was kinda relaxing,
suitable for chilling out.

settled down for our dinner there.
rootbeer float & milk tea.

the 4 of them shared a set dinner,
together with omelette, otah & stingray.

i had fried rice for both of my meals that day,
cause i don't take spicy food.
the afternoon one was nicer though.

 ended the night after our dinner.
reached home around 12am.

mummy was leaving for work,
she opened the door & woke me up. 
told me hubby was just outside our house.
hubby came at 1pm,
cause the night before i told him to wake me up at 1pm.

that sweetest boy surprised me with lunch.
quickly washed up & have lunch together.
he brought me my favourite duck rice.
took a bath after lunch,
slacked at my place till shawn called to ask for dinner.

 get prepared & left my house at 8pm.
drove to changi village to meet the rest.
love the wanton mee there.
ice kachang for dessert.
 left around 10pm & headed home.

simply love weekends.
will the next weekend come soon please.
 december gonna be a joyous & busy month.
next few weeks will be on leave for a number of days due to my circuit lessons,
till my tp on the 22nd.
wish me luck!

 dinner at chomp chomp tonight with the group.
more update soon!
till then:)

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