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Feb 6, 2010

JB Trip o3Feb1o.

jb trip with dear on wed.
cheers to xiao hei's recovery:)
had domino's pizza nearby the car repair shop.
body massage after the car was done.
followed by shopping spree.
got some t-shirts & a dress.
dinner at sushi king.
sent xiao hei for spa treatment as usual.
back to spore.

got my bag & heel at ion yesterday.
ordered an online dress as well.
all prepared for cny.
i'm so looking forward.
will be having dinner with dear's family next fri.
long awaited getaway in early march.
bangkok should be the destination:)
together with dear & friends.
our first overseas trip.
everything's to be confirmed.
so much to look forward to.
contented with my life,
with the presence of you in it:)

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