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Feb 2, 2010

Vivo / Topping-Up Ceremony.

dinner at dian xiao er, vivo city last wed.
shopped around & got a wii candy dispenser.

met up with emily last thur after work.
shopped at fep for cny clothes.
brought a dress & a skirt.
got a braun buffel car key pouch for dear as well.
wasn't feeling well that day & was having fever.
took panadol & luckily the fever subsided.
dear called me after his lecture.
wanted to bring me to the doctor.
but i decided not to as i felt better.
that sweetheart insisted on coming down just to send me home.
felt so much better after that:)

caught my ex last fri.
wasn't really scary except for the sound effects.
spent the weekend at dear's place,
as he need to start on his assignment.
had the sweetest supper cooked by dear.
complained i was feeling hungry,
& he went down to cook immediately.
asked me to rest in his room & call me when it's ready.
that boy of mine,
tell me how not to love him.

yesterday was dinner at holland v.
back to his place to rest after which.
still having sore throat & flu.
hope i'll recover soon.
constant reminder from dear not to drink cold stuffs.
might be heading jb with dear tml.
my leave is still subject to approval.
waiting for my boss to sign my leave form.
need to shop badly!

attended my company's topping-up ceremony yst.
we reached the top level of our project.
which is level 56 of the residential on top of ion.
all to be completed by june.
had private buffet lunch at ion.
food was alright.
oh a photo of my cute boss =P

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