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Aug 19, 2010

Wan Chai HK Cafe.

last sunday, 15th Aug.
woke up in the noon & get prepared.
hubby came to pick me up.

headed IMM for our late lunch.
settled down at wan chai hk cafe.

milk tea & yuan yang.
old town's still the best.

photo taking while waiting for the food to be served.

food came!
minced pork with salted fish rice for me.
nice, i like.

complimentary cucumber soup.
this is nice as well.

hubby's pork chop baked rice.
i never had any liking for baked rice before,
so i've no idea how it tastes like.

shopped at daiso after lunch.
got some snacks & car accessories.
hubby got me this whiteboard,
to replace the one i'm using currently.
love the fact that it's pink in colour!

with his drawings on it.
added more yesterday.

so, 2nd driving lesson on mon.
met up with jas in town to train back together,
as she was nearby with bf earlier on.
need a dinner & catch up session soon:)

learned turning right & left on the 2nd lesson.
still confused with the clutch & gear.
hope i'll get the hang of it soon.
3rd lesson next tue.

was on leave yesterday.
hubby was on leave as well,
due to his assignment deadline this fri.
had a good rest at home,
& that boy surprised me in the evening.
received a message from him,
asked me out for dinner when he was already on the bke.
just in time, i came out of the showers.
he came up to wait for me to get prepared.
headed cwp for dinner.
pictures are with him.
shall blog about that another day.

TGIF tomorrow:)

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