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Mar 10, 2010

Perpetual Bliss.

changes made to my blogskin.
many thanks to dear.
stayed up till 3am yst night just to help me edit,
when he still have to work today.
whereas i was soundly asleep =x
he still gotta help me make some changes tonight.

didn't expect the original picture on the blogskin
can be replaced with ours.
even words on it can be edited.
so contented with it now:)

dear dropped by my place after his lec yst.
mummy made fruits yu sheng.
came to collect & left soon after.
photos taken last weekend.


Hubby said...

you must be sleeping when i complete this blog for you. Hope you like it..=)


♥ Rebecca ♥ said...

yes i LOVE it!
thanks so much for ur effort.
deeply appreciated.
love u hubby:)

Anonymous said...

Love the new effort! =)

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