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May 22, 2010

Meet-Ups / Newton Food Centre.

met up with jas on wed.
dinner @ fep.
shopped & check out some digi cams.
headed lucky plaza after which.
brought lancome miracle perfume at a great deal.
thanks to jas's recommendation of the shop.
some girls talk while waiting for hubby to come & fetch us home.
it was a great catch up session.
it's always fun hanging out with you.
we still have so much to catch up on.
our ''bling-ing'' date as well.
next week perhaps?

met up with sze wei & sandy yst.
dinner at lot 1, new york new york.
nice catch up session with the both of them.
been so long since we last met.
as usual,
there'll be endless laughter heard with sandy around.
missing those days in sim,
where we skipped lec & head to town for shopping/manicure.
went off around 10pm.
waited for hubby to come & pick me up after his lec.
off to newton for his late dinner.

hubby just finished his reservist this week.
coming back to work next week:)
even though we still met up everyday,
but without him at work just doesn't feels right.
hubby had been coming to fetch me home,
be it after his reservist, lecture or my meet-up with friends.
he always make sure i won't be alone,
unless he's really tied up with school/work.
you & your efforts will always be appreciated ♥

brought my new cam already.
will update about that after the weekend.
posted my sony cam for sale on 88db.
sold it away on thur.
the buyer requested to meet up on the day she contacted me.
called home to ask mummy to pack the stuffs ready for me.
being my sweetest hubby,
went to my house to collect it straight after his reservist.
back home to wash up,
came to meet me after my work.
accompanied me to wait for the buyer.
even though the buyer was late for almost 2 hours due to some issues,
he never had any complain,
despite being tired from the whole day in camp.
dinner at orchard towers while waiting,
brought me my new cam as well.
thanks hubby for everything.
just 3 words,
I Love You,
says it all.

enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

Alvin said...

I love you too baby. muacks

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