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Jul 5, 2010

JB Trip With Love(s).

the feeling of monday is terrible,
especially without hubby at work.
started his reservist today,
which will only ends in 3 weeks time:(

update as promised.
starting from sat,
hubby picked me up from work.
off to jp for twilight saga, eclipse.
carls junior for lunch.
their oreo milkshake is good.

this time round,
eclipse didn't have much fighting scenes,
it's more of talking & love story.
i still like it though,
while hubby got pretty bored.
still, he didn't grumble a single bit:)
it's strictly for the fans.

woke up early on sun.
get prepared & waited for hubby to come & pick us.
going to jb with hubby & mummy.
stucked in the jam for 2 hours!
sun's not the right time to go in.
set off at 12.30pm,
and we only reached around 3pm.
was famished by then.
first stop was some hk cafe at jusco.

the food was bad.
won't be heading back again.

after we filled our stomach,
it was shopping time.
got my hairsprays & cosmetics.
off to city square after we got our stuffs.
brought a top & a pair of heel there.
hubby brought some stuffs as well.
dinner at kim gary restaurant.

food was good.
the drinks looked so pretty.
of course tasted good as well.

looked kind of tired in the pictures.
cause both of us slept late the night before.
back to s'pore after our dinner.
left around 9pm,
reached home only at 11pm.
jam again for another 2 hours.

poor hubby,
his legs were so tired & numb due to the jams.
glad mummy enjoyed herself.
million thanks to hubby for fetching us around,
accompanying us to shop,
without any complains,
despite being tired from the jams & late night.

the only thing he said was,
as long i'm happy,
it's all worth it.
your time spent & effort made are very much appreciated.
p/s: i believe in you.

many loves ♥

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