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Apr 24, 2010


shall do a short update while waiting for my shift to end.
secret recipe for dinner @ ps yesterday.
wanted to catch a movie but it was all sold out.
shopped around & we decided to head back to rest.
so hubby came over to my place.

he was happily playing hotel city on my lappy =X
oh i brought a pink mini hair straightener online last week,
and it arrived yesterday.
it heats up super fast, i like!
just hope it won't spoil easily.

last weekend to enjoy,
before hubby starts revising for his exams next week.
gotta survive the whole of next week w/o him at work :(
nevertheless, everything will end in a week time.
study hard now & we'll enjoy later:)

on the other hand,
next sun is mummy's birthday.
still pondering over whether to order the rum & raisin cheesecake,
from cheesecake cafe.
need to order two days in advance.
more or less should be getting it as a surprise for her:)

one hour more before hubby comes & pick me up from work.
weekend with hubby is ♥.
ending the post with a pic of me & baby pooh.
till then ~

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